Clothing from Plastic Bottles
how we recycle
You might wonder how we turn plastic bottles into clothes?
Let us explain to you process step by step:
• The collected PET bottles are sterilized, dried and crushed into small chips (like diamonds).
• The chips are heated and passed through a spinneret to form strings of yarn.
• This yard is wound up in spools.
• The fiber is then passed through a crimping machine to create a fluffy texture.
• This yarn is then baled, dyed without any harmful chemicals and knitted into polyester fabric.
• Then this fabric turning into yoga clothes in our factory.
All clothing gets wrapped with love into sustainable packaging and delivered to you!
The big advantage of producing recycled polyester is its positive impact on the environment. The production of recycled PET uses about 90% less water than production of virgin polyester and the process of converting PET into recycled polyester requires far less energy than producing normal polyester.
Performance, durability, and high strength of rPET is the same as virgin polyester but with lower environmental impact.

Every bottle makes a difference